You’re Too Full To Be Empty (Paperback)


Busy, Busy, Busy. . . Does that describe your life? Do you find yourself constantly depleted and unable to cope? Are you a proud member of the club of women who are doing too much yet accomplishing little? You cannot continue to drain yourself and expect to flourish. There is nothing to be gained from an empty cup. Learn from the mistakes of other women, just like you, and begin to live the life you have never dreamed possible. You cannot stop here! You are TOO FULL TO BE EMPTY!

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Busy, Busy, Busy. . . Does that describe your life? Do you find yourself constantly depleted and unable to cope? Are you a proud member of the club of women who are doing too much yet accomplishing little? You cannot continue to drain yourself and expect to flourish. There is nothing to be gained from an empty cup. Learn from the mistakes of other women, just like you, and begin to live the life you have never dreamed possible. You cannot stop here! You are TOO FULL TO BE EMPTY!


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