“Oil Flows From Cracked Pots” originated from a conversation I had with a close friend of mine. We were talking about some of my life experiences and how I could turn them into something useful for others. As we brainstormed, she paused to ask me a very thought-provoking question. “What would you want people to learn from your life? What can they take from what you’ve encountered? What do you want them to know?” I sat quietly for about ten seconds, and an involuntary response flowed from my mouth, “I want them to know that oil flows from cracked pots! The difficult experiences in my life, things I thought would destroy me, have actually provided the impetus for my purpose and power.” From that conversation, this blog title was born.

The YouTube video above gives a very detailed description of the olive oil process. That process parallels the path we take toward growing in character and strength from adversity. Much like the olive, we are chosen from the tree by a fierce shaking. It is not an experience we would likely choose, yet we are shaken from our comfort zones because of our potential for greatness.

Although the twigs and sticks (negative character traits and habits) come along with us, we are submitted to a filtering process to clear them so they don’t contaminate the finished product. Soon after the purification, the crushing begins. As with the olive, so it is with us. The crushing process must take place ASAP to get authentic oil. Trials and temptations test our faith and expose weaknesses in us. As we submit to the control of the Holy Spirit, we are transformed into a pliable material. The entire process is closely monitored by the olive press Master. Too much heat will compromise the purity of the oil. Likewise, God ensures that difficulties do not completely destroy us. The entire process takes place under His watchful eye.

The final stage is the layering of the olive material between layers of hemp. As we prepare for the final stage of the processing, we are given a buffer. We are reminded of the intercession of Jesus and the comfort of the Holy Spirit cheering us to finish the course. As the final crushing takes place, oil is released. The world receives a beautiful aroma from our lives and we are given the anointing and power that will be used to strengthen and empower others. Without the cracks in the vessel, the oil would never be able to flow! Selah.