What happened can be summed up in two words. Life happened. People who support you one day, may for no apparent reason decide that they no longer want to be in your corner. They may move on to the next big thing. You have to be prepared for this. Not everyone who starts your race with you will have the strength to endure. Not everyone will be able to soar with you as you go after you dream. You must reconcile yourself to this painful reality so that you can persevere. Make a decision to be just as unfazed by praise as you are with criticism. If you can make peace with being okay with you, your presence and popularity will remain stable and secure. Maybe there are no hashtags about you or massive lists of Facebook friends or followers. Pay no attention. Whether you have one cheerleader, twenty, or none, remain steadfast and resolute. You are on the road to greatness and your arrival will be sweet!
Sweet potato pie!!!! A couple of year’s ago, Patti’s pies skyrocketed. A patron’s viral video showed him enjoying the pies, so much so that he was moved to performing renditions of Patti’s popular hits. The power of social media catapulted Patti pie sales. Walmart stores could barely keep the pies on shelf. Almost immediately, the pies went from obscurity to an overnight sensation. Not only did the viral video make Patti a household name again, but it also gained tremendous notoriety for the wowed customer. He appeared on several morning talk shows, had an appearance on Patti LaBelle’s cooking show, and attended events with A-listers. All was well in the world. Fast forward to 2017. There are no lines. No empty shelves, No empty-handed customers walking away disappointed. There seem to be more than enough pies to meet the demand. One day before Thanksgiving my friend posted this picture. She captioned it: “What happened?”